Members: 997,635

About is an interactive database enabled website that provides information about people who have been identified as Cheating, Lying, Dating Site Phonies, Scammers, Hustlers, Playboys, Gigolos’, Gold-diggers, and/or playing someone in a relationship. does not condone nor promote vindictive, slanderous, attacks of a person’s character simply because they feel scorned or are suffering a relationship breakup. encourages information sharing that is reliable and trustworthy.

The Source sources are the members and website guests who provide unsolicited information for the benefit of sharing with others online. does not post information that is deemed fictitious, without merit, or blatantly false. opinions, views, and comments are those of registered members who have agreed to abide by the terms and conditions of the website.

The comments on this site are property of their posters.

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